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Real Sauna for Total Body & Mind Rejuvenation in Central New England & Greater Boston

Our Unique Sauna Experience

Got Sauna is an authentic Finnish sauna that can comfortably seat several adults. The sauna experience is relaxing and rejuvenating. Inside the sauna, there are two benches. The higher bench will be warmer of the two. Find the seat that is most comfortable for you. Pouring birch tea water over the stones will create Löyly or steam, allowing you to bask in the warmth. Your heart rate may increase to 100-150 beats per minute, while your blood vessels widen, And your circulation increases. Suddenly, you are overcome with optimism, Life Is Good!

Enjoy a Unique Sauna Experience

Our clients love that they’re able to enjoy a one-of-a-kind sauna experience nearly anywhere. The base trailer is only 14′ X 8′, and its ideal footprint is 20′ X 20′. Its compact size makes it ideal for various private and group settings, including yoga retreats, recovery centers, birthday parties, bachelorette parties, Airbnbs, and much more. A solar panel on the roof, provides the lighting, no need to plug in, it’s entirely self-powered. A water hook-up is recommended, but if it’s not available, we can accommodate you. Learn more about our sauna services and customize it for you and your guests.

Client Testimonials

Choose the Right Sauna Experience for You